Turkey Earthquake Appeal Sends 1,000 Boxes of Toys to Children


About 1,000 shoeboxes filled with toys for children affected by the earthquake in Turkey have been donated by people in East Yorkshire.

At least 50,000 people died in the quake, which happened on 6 February.

Ali Tekce, a restaurant owner from Beverley in East Yorkshire, lost 10 family members in the disaster and organised the toy appeal.

A fundraising campaign has also raised £12,000 and Mr Tecke said people’s “generosity has been humbling”.

The Toys for Turkey appeal held an event at Wednesday Market in Beverley on Sunday which was attended by the Turkish Ambassador to the UK, Koray Ertas, who praised the area’s fundraising efforts.

“[These children] have lost their families, they have lost their houses, and we are grateful that the Yorkshire people and Beverley people and the local charities are now sending their support and sympathies,” Mr Ertas said.

Shoeboxes filled with teddy bears, small gifts, puzzles and sweets will be flown out to Turkey by Turkish Airlines in the coming days, Mr Tekce said.

He said the appeal had “exceeded our expectations” and added: “The support is unbelievable. Around 5.4 million kids have lost their homes and their parents and schools, we want to put a little smile on little ones’ faces.”

Source BBC