Reinforcing Legal Migration to Help Europe Thrive


Amidst an ageing EU population and more and more green and digital jobs that need new skills, European employers are struggling to find the workers they need. This is especially a problem for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as a recent EU survey shows. That is why the European Commission has put forward three actions that will make it easier for EU countries to attract the best talent from around the world.  

Of course, the EU will continue to prioritise focusing on our domestic workforce, but it is also crucial that we look abroad for certain profiles, to support our economy and strengthen important public services such as healthcare and long-term care. That is why the Commission is proposing to

  • make recruitment from outside the EU easier
  • make the process to recognise professional qualifications and skills gained in third countries faster
  • foster learning mobility for all

The Commission plans to establish an ‘EU Talent Pool’ to make it easier to recruit jobseekers from non-EU countries and support this work. It has also set itself targets for how many education graduates, learners with fewer opportunities, and vocational learners it wants to attract by 2030.

Source : Comission