Guardian Europe: A New Venture for Our Times


Three years ago, as Britain left the European Union, the Guardian made a commitment to becoming more, not less, European.

It wasn’t just because of our strong opposition to Brexit; it was because being European is part of who we are. The Guardian has always been internationalist, open to the world and other cultures. We have been on the ground covering European affairs for more than 200 years. War, revolution, elections, cultural shifts, sporting heroism, social change – we have reported on it all, from the death of Napoleon to two world wars to the collapse of communism and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Brexit, then, was no time for us to retreat. Many of our biggest problems can never be fully understood if we are unable to see the bigger picture.

From our changing climate to our volatile global economy, from the pandemic to the energy crisis to mass migration, organised crime and the digital revolution, our most pressing challenges do not have borders. We cannot bury ourselves in a narrow national conversation and pretend we are impervious to external shocks, or that we have all the answers.

And more than ever, there is a shared European consciousness of our place in the world. Whether it’s the conversation about oil money flowing into football, the desire for more sustainable ways of living and travelling, or the latest hit TV series, conversations about life, love, culture, travel and sport are becoming more European too.

We already have a superb team of correspondents across the continent, and have been on the ground almost every day since the start of the war in Ukraine. We have added specialists in crucial Europe-wide themes, such as the environment, culture, community affairs and sport. We regularly publish investigations, exclusives and exposés on the state of Europe, its successes and its failings. We have signed up exciting columnists and writers to bring new ideas, perspectives and understanding to all our readers. Our coverage of Europe will go beyond the latest news to provide insights and ideas; to tell stories that are not being told.

Today, we launch a new Europe digital edition to serve our audience of millions across the continent. Guardian Europe will be a dedicated English-language site for our readers in Europe, showcasing original, independent journalism that highlights the issues that matter to them. You can find it here, and you can make it your default homepage for whenever you want to browse Guardian journalism.

In a globally connected world, we believe there’s a great need – and demand – for a European lens on world issues. Our intention is not to supplant the national news publishers across Europe with which the Guardian often collaborates, but to supplement what they offer, giving European readers another perspective, a second source.

We are asking our audience in Europe to get behind this bold commitment by supporting us financially: your money will underwrite journalism that reports on the lives of hundreds of millions of people, from Berlin to Dublin, Oslo to Bordeaux, Reykjavik to Dubrovnik, finding out what animates us, what divides us, what is holding us back and what we have overcome. We are proud that some 180,000 readers across continental Europe have already funded our journalism. We want to increase this to galvanise our work. Will you join us today?

With too many other media organisations under pressure – whether from digital disruption, repressive politicians who don’t like media freedom, or commercial pressure to bend to advertisers or shareholders – our readers can always be sure that the Guardian is not for sale.

To support Guardian Europe and all our journalism, please consider setting up a monthly amount, from just €2 – or £2. It takes less than a minute, but makes a big impact on our future.

Source : The Guardian