A cultural and educational project dedicated to the Russian language has started in Dushanbe. It is aimed at the exchange of experience and the development of cultural, educational, scientific and humanitarian ties, reports the correspondent of the MIR 24 TV channel Ekaterina Veselova.
The students of the Tajik National University were able to feel the culture of Russia. At the interactive lecture, they learned a lot about the life of Russian writers. Student Shakron Kamolova was impressed by the biography of Leo Tolstoy.
“We, one might say, lived through all his moments, all the grief and joy that he lived, all his losses and the best moments, the highest peaks of his life, we lived with him,” said a 4th-year student of the Faculty of Russian language and philology of TNU Shukron Kamolov.
Manuscripts and numerous letters of the authors at the exhibition presented materials from the funds of the State Tolstoy Museum in Moscow. This exhibition was a gift to the university.

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“As for the instruction-key to the exhibition, that is, the audio guide for this exhibition, it will be left at the university. And the accompanying texts that can be used, and by which you can view this exhibition with a decoding – understanding of the material, ”explained the researcher of the State Museum L.N. Tolstoy Elizaveta Alekseeva.
Excerpts from Bunin and Pushkin, music by Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov, songs of the war years and favorite Russian romances performed by famous artists from Russia – the program of the project is diverse.
“Literary and musical compositions are such a kind of art as painting, you need to watch it only in the original, it only works then. If you see a photograph of a painting, it does not make the same impression on you as if you see it in a museum,” says pianist Alexander Dudin.
Acquaintance with Russian culture on the basis of the National University is held for the second time. Lectures, master classes and musical evenings, according to the authors of the project, become an excellent motivation for students to learn the Russian language.
Source: Mir24