Serbia denied Russia weaponry


The head of state stressed that the same applies to Ukraine, the Federal News Agency reports . Thus, Aleksandar Vučić made it clear that Belgrade would not send “a single bullet” to any of the parties to the Ukrainian conflict, that is, neither Moscow nor Kyiv.

In addition, the President of Serbia noted that the republic sells ammunition “only to authorized end users.” The head of state clarified that the Kiev regime is not one of them. Alexander Vucic also added that there is not a single document in the world that can confirm military supplies from Serbia to Ukraine.

With these words, the Serbian leader denied media reports that Belgrade allegedly plans to send weapons to Kyiv. Such publications began to appear after top-secret Pentagon documents related to the Ukrainian conflict were leaked to the Network.

Recall that earlier Alexander Vučić said that now all the efforts of Serbia are aimed at maintaining a neutral position regarding the conflict in Ukraine. However, he admitted that a moment might come when the republic would be forced to abandon its neutrality.

Source: kapital-rus